1How do we collect and use your personal information

To provide you with online shopping services, our basic functions include account registration and login, display of product/service information, ordering and order management, payment, delivery of goods/services, customer service and after-sales, and transaction security protection. During your use of the above features, we will collect the following information related to you. If you do not provide the corresponding information, you will not be able to use our products and/or services normally.

In addition to basic functions, we also provide you with some additional features, including permission based shopping experience services and information disclosure functions. You can choose to individually agree or disagree with the personal information involved in the part we collect and use. If you refuse to provide it, you will not be able to use the relevant additional functions normally, but it will not affect your use of our basic functions.

Please understand that the product/service version and scope chosen by different users may vary. If there are differences between the collection and usage rules displayed for specific functions and this privacy policy, please refer to the content displayed for specific functions. The specific functional scenarios and personal information collected and used by us for you are as follows:

1Account registration and login

When you register to use the Skyshop service, you need to provide us with your phone number. We will verify your identity by sending a SMS verification code, and recognize and display the corresponding operator through SIM card information. Your account name is your default nickname. You can modify and supplement your nickname as well as your real name authentication related information, which belong to your "account information".

After registration is completed, you can choose to use your Skyshop account information or authorize us to obtain your third-party account information for login. If you do not provide such information, you will not be able to log in and use our products and/or services. At this time, you can use the browsing and search functions, and we will not collect your personal information mentioned above. 

2 Display of product/service information

In order to showcase your products or services, we will collect your device information (including device model, OAID/IDFA, IDFV, operating system and application version, language settings, resolution), browser type to sort and adapt the corresponding product or service content to your application version and device interface. After your explicit authorization, we will collect your location related information (GPS location information, WLAN access point, Bluetooth, and base station sensor information) when you use the product information display and search function.

In order to provide you with search history, browsing history, favorite products or stores, followed stores, shopping carts or order products or services display services, we will collect your browsing information, search history, favorite history, follow history, add purchase information, and order information. 

We will conduct data analysis and predict your preference characteristics based on your above information and your shipping address, and push you products/services, commercial advertisements, commercial SMS, and other marketing information that may be of interest to you. If you need to modify the sorting of goods or services displayed to you, or commercial advertisements and other content, you can do so through the following methods:

(1) If you are not interested in the products or services displayed on the homepage "Recommended for You", you can long press the recommended product or service image and choose to reduce or block the relevant product or service categories according to the pop-up prompt; 

(2) If you do not want to receive the comprehensive recommended products or services on the search page, you can choose to receive corresponding search results displayed by sales volume, price, or other optional dimensions on the page;

(3) If you do not want to receive commercial SMS, you can cancel the mobile promotional SMS we sent to you by replying to unsubscribe or providing other methods to unsubscribe or close; 

(4) If you do not want to receive message notifications sent by the app, you can set them through the "Message Center - Message Settings" section of the mobile app;

(5) Other: You can unsubscribe from promotional information through the email subscription menu on the PC account settings page. 

(6) If you believe that the content we provide to you affects your legitimate rights and interests, you can contact us through customer service. 

3Ordering and Order Management

When you choose to settle for the goods/services, Skyshop will generate an order for your purchase of the goods. You need to fill in at least your recipient's name, shipping address, and mobile phone number in the order. The order will also include the order number, information about the goods or services you purchased, the time of placing the order, the amount of payment you should make, and the payment method. You can provide additional contact information such as the recipient's phone number, email address, and postal code to ensure accurate delivery of the goods. Failure to provide this information does not affect the generation of your order. If you need to issue an invoice, you also need to provide the invoice header, taxpayer identification number, and email address for receiving the invoice.

All the above information constitutes your "order information", and we will use your order information (including third-party services) to verify your identity, determine transactions, settle payments, complete delivery, query your order, and provide customer service consultation and after-sales service. We will also use your order information to determine if there are any abnormalities in your transaction to ensure your transaction security.

4 Delivery of goods/services

When you place an order, or receive trial items and prizes, Skyshop, its affiliates, suppliers, merchants or delivery companies cooperating with Skyshop will complete the delivery of your order. You are aware and agree that Skyshop, its affiliates, suppliers, merchants or delivery companies cooperating with Skyshop will use your order information during the above process to ensure the safe delivery of your ordered goods. 

5 Customer service and after-sales service

Our telephone customer service and after-sales functions will use your account information and order information. To ensure the security of your account, our call center customer service and online customer service will use your account information to verify your identity. When you need us to provide customer service and after-sales service related to your order information, we will check your order information. In addition, when you apply for a refund or return, we need to collect your contact person, contact information, and return address to ensure the completion of the corresponding after-sales service. 

6 Ensuring transaction security

To ensure the stability and security of your system when using our products and/or services, prevent your personal information from being illegally obtained, more accurately prevent fraud, and protect account security, we need to collect your device information (device model, OAID/IDFA, Android ID/OPENUDID, IDFV, operating system and software version, device status, network condition), log information, IP address, browsing information, order information SIM card information (operator and country code) and battery usage to identify whether it is a real natural person user. When abnormal behavior is triggered (such as remote login, incorrect password input multiple times, abnormal payment amount, abnormal operation behavior log), we will collect your location information, ssid, WIFI name, and commonly used software list information (only processed locally, not uploaded to the server), but we will not collect the above information from normal users. And we may record some links ("URLs") that we believe are risky, and we will also collect your device information for analyzing Skyshop system issues, calculating traffic, and identifying potential risks. When you choose to send us abnormal information, we will investigate it. If you do not provide the above information, we will not be able to protect your service and account security during your use of Skyshop services.

7 Other additional features 

1. Application permission application and usage rules

To make your shopping more convenient or enjoyable, and enhance your online shopping experience on Skyshop, we need to access your system permissions to collect and use the necessary personal information. If you do not enable these permissions, it does not affect your use of our basic functions, but you may not be able to use additional features that bring you shopping pleasure or need to fill in some information repeatedly when purchasing certain products. Regarding the permissions we need to apply for and the corresponding purposes for collecting and using personal information, you can also set them separately through "My Account Settings Privacy Settings".

2. Rules for Information Disclosure 

During the use of Skyshop services, you can publicly post your questions or usage experiences about the products through product reviews, product product product shows, product Q&A, and live interactive broadcasts. We may determine whether you are able to use the above information publishing function based on your order information and the content you have posted.

Please note that if the information you post contains personal information, this part of personal information will be made public after you post it. Please choose carefully. If the information you post contains personal information of others, please obtain their consent in advance before publishing.

8 Other rules for using personal information

1. To statistically analyze your use of our products or services, in order to assist us in optimizing our service experience and making product upgrade decisions, we will use the collected data for machine learning, algorithm model training, or other data analysis and mining processing after being encrypted and unable to identify specific individuals again. 

2. If we intend to use your personal information for purposes not specified in this privacy policy, or if we collect information for specific purposes for other purposes, we will seek your explicit consent in advance.

3. Regarding functions and scenarios that are not explicitly stated in this privacy policy, we will show you the corresponding rules for collecting and using personal information when you actually use such functions or scenarios, and obtain your explicit consent. 

2How do we use cookies and similar technologies 

1. The use of cookies

During your use of our services, we will send one or more small data files called Cookies to your computer or mobile device, with the aim of simplifying the process of repeated login, storing your shopping preferences or product data in your shopping cart to provide you with shopping preference settings, helping you optimize advertising selection and interaction, helping to determine your login status, and ensuring account or data security.

You can clear all cookies saved on your computer. Most web browsers will automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser settings according to your own needs to reject cookies; Additionally, you can also clear all cookies saved in the software. If you do this, you may need to personally change user settings every time you visit the Skyshop website, and the corresponding information you have previously recorded will also be deleted, which may have a certain impact on the security of the services you use.

2. The use of Network Beacon and similar technologies 

In addition to cookies, we will also use Web Beacon and other similar technologies on our website. Our web pages often contain electronic images (referred to as "single pixel" GIF files or "network beacons"). We use network Beacon in the following ways:

(1) By using network Beacon on the Skyshop website, the number of user visits is calculated, and registered Skyshop users are identified by accessing cookies. 

(2) Through the obtained Cookies information, we provide personalized services for you. 

3How can we provide your personal information to the public


1. We will not share your personal information with any company, organization, or individual outside of Skyshop, except for the following situations: (1) obtaining your explicit consent or authorization in advance; 

(2) Provide according to mandatory requirements of laws and regulations, administrative and judicial departments; 

(3) Handle disputes or controversies between you and others according to your needs;

(4) Provided in accordance with the relevant agreements signed with you (including electronic agreements signed online and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents; 

(5) Used based on social public interests and sudden public health emergencies that comply with laws and regulations. 

2. To provide you with relevant products or services, showcase content that may interest you, and protect the security of your account and transactions, we may share your personal information with our affiliates or partners.

Please note that the information you voluntarily share or even publicly share when using our services may involve your or third-party personal information, even sensitive personal information. Please carefully consider and decide when sharing. If it involves third-party personal information, please ensure that you have obtained legal authorization. 

2Public disclosure

We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following situations, provided that we take security measures that comply with industry standards:

(1) Disclose corresponding personal information within the scope of authorization agreed upon by you separately;

(2) If you seriously violate laws, regulations, agreements, or rules, we may disclose your relevant violations and the measures we have taken against you. 

4How do we protect and save your personal information

1Our technology and measures to protect your personal information

We attach great importance to personal information security and take all reasonable and feasible measures to protect your personal information:

1. Data security technology measures

We will adopt security measures that comply with industry standards, including establishing reasonable institutional norms and security technologies to prevent unauthorized access, use, and modification of your personal information, and to avoid data damage or loss. For example, Skyshop's network services adopt transport layer security protocol encryption technology, providing browsing services through HTTPS to ensure the security of user data during transmission; When processing personal information, we will use various data desensitization technologies, including content replacement and SHA256, to enhance the security of personal information during use. 

2. Other security measures taken by Skyshop to protect personal information

Skyshop manages and regulates the storage and use of personal information by establishing a data classification and grading system, data security management standards, and data security development standards; Comprehensive security control of data is achieved through confidentiality agreements with information contacts, monitoring and auditing mechanisms; Skyshop establishes a data security committee and sets up dedicated departments for information protection and data security emergency response organizations to promote and ensure personal information security.

Our bottom layer cloud technology for storing your personal information has obtained the "Trusted Cloud" certification issued by the Data Center Alliance, the third level of security level protection certification issued by the Ministry of Public Security, and also obtained ISO27000 certification. We will also hold security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting personal information.

3. Security incident handling 

To address the potential risks of personal information leakage, damage, and loss, we have established multiple systems that clarify the classification and grading standards for security incidents and vulnerabilities, as well as corresponding processing procedures.

Once a personal information security incident occurs, we will promptly inform you in accordance with the requirements of laws and regulations: the basic situation and possible impacts of the security incident, the disposal measures we have taken or will take, suggestions for you to independently prevent and reduce risks, and remedial measures for you. At the same time, we will promptly inform you of the relevant situation of the event through email, letter, phone, push notifications, and other means. If it is difficult to inform the personal information subject one by one, we will take reasonable and effective measures to publish announcements. At the same time, we will also proactively report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with regulatory requirements.

2Saving your personal information

1. Your personal information will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China. If you use cross-border transaction services and need to transmit your personal information overseas to complete the transaction, we will separately obtain your authorized consent and require the recipient to process your personal information in accordance with the data protection agreement signed by both parties, this privacy policy, and relevant laws and regulations.

2. During your use of our products and/or services, your personal information will be retained for the period specified in this policy, and will be determined in accordance with the mandatory retention requirements set by law, such as the Electronic Commerce Law of the People's Republic of China, which requires the retention period of product and service information and transaction information to be no less than three years from the date of transaction completion. After exceeding the retention period, we will delete your personal information or anonymize it in accordance with applicable laws.

5How do you manage your personal information

Skyshop attaches great importance to your attention to personal information and makes every effort to protect your rights to access, correct, delete, and withdraw your consent to personal information, so that you have the full ability to protect your privacy and security. Your rights include:

6Personal information protection for minors

1. Skyshop places great emphasis on protecting the personal information of minors. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you should obtain the consent of your guardian before using our products and/or services.

2. For the personal information of children under the age of 14 who may be involved, we will further take the following measures to protect it:

(1) For the collected personal information of children, in addition to complying with the provisions of this privacy policy regarding user personal information, we will also adhere to the principles of legitimate necessity, informed consent, clear purpose, security protection, and lawful use. We will strictly follow the requirements of laws and regulations such as the Children's Personal Information Network Protection Regulations for storage, use, and disclosure, and will not exceed the period necessary to achieve the collection and use purposes, After the expiration, we will delete or anonymize the personal information of children. We will designate a dedicated person to be responsible for protecting children's personal information. We will also establish internal specialized systems for the protection of children's personal information.

(2) When you, as a guardian, choose to use Skyshop related services for your child under guardianship, we may need to collect personal information of the child under guardianship from you for the necessary purpose of fulfilling the relevant services. You may proactively provide us with personal information about children when sharing product related information through the functions of posting, commenting, and answering questions. Please be aware of this and choose carefully.

(3) Children or their guardians have the right to access and correct their personal information at any time, and can also request correction and deletion from us. If you have any opinions, suggestions, complaints or reports regarding children's personal information, please contact us. We will be available to assist you at any time.

5 Notification and Revision

1. To provide you with better services and with the development of Skyshop business, this privacy policy will also be updated accordingly. But without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this privacy policy. We will issue updated versions on the Skyshop website and Skyshop mobile devices, and notify you of relevant content updates through website announcements or other appropriate means before they take effect. Please also visit Skyshop to stay informed of the latest privacy policies.

2. For significant changes, we will also provide more significant notifications (including but not limited to emails, text messages, or special reminders on browsing pages to explain the specific changes in privacy policies). 

The significant changes referred to in this privacy policy include but are not limited to:

(1) Our service model has undergone significant changes. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the type of personal information being processed, and the way personal information is used;

(2) We have undergone significant changes in ownership structure, organizational structure, and other aspects. Changes in ownership caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, etc;

(3) The main objects of personal information sharing, transfer, or public disclosure have changed; 

(4) Your right to participate in personal information processing and the way you exercise it have undergone significant changes; 

(5) When there are changes in the department responsible for handling personal information security, contact information, and complaint channels; 

(6) When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates a high risk. 

3. We will also archive the old version of this privacy policy and click the link at the end of the article to view it.

6 How to contact us 

1. If you have any complaints, reports, questions, opinions or suggestions regarding this privacy policy or your personal information, please contact us through the following methods. 

Personal Information Protection Manager Email: 2093991547@qq.com

2. Normally, we will reply within 15 days. If you are not satisfied with our response, especially if our personal information processing behavior has harmed your legitimate rights and interests, you can also file a complaint or report to the internet, telecommunications, public security, and industry and commerce regulatory authorities.